Currently rolling back another garbage Windows 10 to Windows 7

Normally I wouldn't have time to write another post. But what just happened?

Why is my Thinkpad suddenly just crashing again?

Explorer freezing for no reason when everything was just perfectly fine yesterday and I had not installed anything that might break the OS between yesterday and now.

 WTF. Just WTF. I feel like punching my computer screen, but I know it would just do more harm.

What happened to the hours minutes that I was supposed to be productive?
What new crap has Windows 10 automatically downloaded for me?

I fear the day when Windows 7 will no longer be supported and we all have to accept this crappy broken auto updates Microsoft force feeding us if we want to keep the latest OS.

Soon Macrium Reflect will be finished restoring the disk back to Windows 7.

Thankfully I have a Thinkpad that supports two hard drives and I have all my work on the second drive. I still need to make the dormant Windows 7 OS catch up with all the updates. Thankfully there's WSUS offline to take care of that.


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