Visual Studio 2015 Update 3 Shenanigans

Day 3 of what the hell happenned to my productivity.

After my little victory of disposing Windows 10 into the pits of hell where it came from, it seemed that yet another Microsoft update-to-break scheme was just waiting to destroy my peace of mind.
As much as I praise Visual Studio's intellisense, the dot Net framework, C sharp, dolphins and a lot more coding conveiniences in its very capable IDE (perhaps the best IDE in this part of the galaxy, at least the best free IDE), it is unfortunate that this too have to suffer with if it's-fixed-break-it mantra of recent updates coming from Microsoft.

As it turns out, the reason it is taking centuries to re-install Visual Studio from my offline installer is because it is being online behind your back. And deploying  bazillion gigabytes of stuff beyond what you thought was just the offline installer.

Out of frustration, I had to violently kill the sluggish installation, because suddenly I had the urge to kill something, if not someone. Forunately I'm not the first one who have to suffer this madness and there have been documented ways to avoid or fix this.

  • The aborted installation I killed with blissful pleasure can be somehow cleaned up by re-running the installer with "/unisntall /force" options. To get the most satisfying feeling run it in an admin command line.
  • There is a tool called the Visual Studio Uninstaller that futrhter can clean up this mess This indeed appears to remove more stuff beyond what the forced uninstall can do.
  • The "/noweb" option should prevent the visual studio installer from installing more stuff out of thin air.  But as this magic fix looks to be good to be true, and since violence is more satisfying and appropriate for moments like this, it would be better to totally disable your network connection (via ncpa.cpl, or phyiscally). What was the point of having an offline installer in the first place anyway?
  • In case you're wondering where or what is this so-called offline installer, visual studio can be instructed to just fetch the files and dump them on a specifed foler using the "/layout" option.
  • For maximum satisfaction reboot Windows in every possible opportunity while doing these magic tricks.
  • In the same, spirit, automatic broken updates can be disabled via "Options > Environment > Extensions and Updates".


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