How to avoid conversations when listening to an audiobook

Simple. Have a real book and pretend that your reading it.

Bonus credits if the book has an impressive title, say "Non Newtonian Quantum Political Linguistics for Chiropractic Practitioners".
The problem with audiobooks is that it is hard to tell that you are on audiobooks. People who see you will just think you're listening to your music. If you go by public transportation and meet acquaintances on the same train or bus, you'll look impolite if you ignore them. So you end up wasting time in uninteresting small talk instead of learning new things. If you show a real book and appear engrossed by it, then it is them who would feel impolite by attempting to disturb you. It would work best if you appear to be reading something important, like you're preparing for an exam. With headphones and a book it becomes understandable if you fail to hear and fail to see someone you know.
I'm not sure yet whether this works equally well with tablets or e-readers, but at least tablets have the extra advantage of being readable in the dark.


Don't get caught holding your book upside down. This can also eventually lead to the decrease in number of your "friends". :) Knowledge comes at a price. But friends should also be understanding enough not to hinder your intellectual growth and improvement. Also there's still a lot of socializing opportunities in the place where you work or study. Audiobooks are most convenient on public transportation. Also, still be cautious of your surroundings (but the same applies to using your phone).



  • Pretend to be sleeping. No props needed, but not always believable.
  • Pretend to be talking/texting someone else.Takes some effort.

Side note:

This is my first time to use Google's online Drawing appplication, and I must say it is very easy and convenient to use. The interface is like a trimmed down version of Power Point. By publishing the drawing, I can embed it into this blog. For simple drawings, this is much better than editing locally on your PC and going through the upload process. Cheers to technology!


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